Healthxchange Pharmacy (UK) Limited (TRAINING) - Intact iQ API

Used to create, update and list sales orders. When creating sales orders that have been paid you can populate the receipts collection with payment information.

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Property Name Access Description
Date ReadWrite The order date
DueDate ReadWrite The order due date
Number ReadWrite The order number. This will be automatically assigned for new orders.
AlternateReference ReadWrite An alternate or customer reference for the order
Customer ReadWrite The customer placing the order. A list of customers can be retrieved from the customers service
DeliveryContact ReadWrite The delivery contact from the associated customer's delivery contact collection. The ID of the delivery contact can be specified here when creating orders.
Contact ReadWrite The contact from the associated customer contacts collection. The ID of the delivery contact can be specified here when creating orders.
SalesContact ReadWrite This contact can either be a contact from the customer's contact list OR a contact from the Cash Customer contact list.
CashCustomer ReadWrite The cash customer account for the order. Cash customers are used when there is a single customer account used to process cash sales and you need to capture information about the customer and store it for future use. New cash customers can be added using the Cash Customers service.
SalesRep ReadWrite The sales rep for the order. A list of valid sales reps can be retrieved from the sales reps service. If this is not specified the system will use the customer accounts sales rep.
Branch ReadWrite The branch the order was placed in
DespatchBranch ReadWrite The branch responsible for shipping the order. A list of valid branches is available in the branches service.
WorkflowStatus ReadWrite The workflow status of the order. A list of states can be retrieved from the sales order workflow states service
OrderType ReadWrite The order type. A list of order types can be retrieved from the order types service.
Currency ReadWrite The currency of the order. A valid list of currencies can be retrieved from the currencies service.
Particulars ReadWrite Summary information provided in free text form
DeliveryInstructions ReadWrite Special delivery instructions
DeliveryAgent ReadWrite The delivery agent. A list of valid delivery agents and their services can be retrieved from the delivery agent service.
DeliveryAgentService ReadWrite The delivery agent service. Each delivery agent has a collection of services. You can specify the ID of the appropriate service from the agents service list.
DeliveryNetAmount ReadWrite The delivery net amount (ex tax)
DeliveryTaxRate ReadWrite The delivery tax rate
DeliveryTaxAmount ReadOnly The delivery tax amount
DeliveryGrossAmount ReadOnly The delivery gross amount (including tax)
NetAmount ReadOnly The total net amount
TaxAmount ReadOnly The total tax amount
GrossAmount ReadOnly The total gross amount
SourceQuotation ReadOnly The source quotation for the order if it was created from a quote.
Items.Product ReadWrite Product for the order line. A list of valid product IDs or Codes can be retrieved from the products service
Items.Description ReadWrite An optional text description of the item
Items.Quantity ReadWrite Quantity ordered
Items.QuantitySupplied ReadWrite Quantity supplied to date
Items.NetPrice ReadWrite Net price before tax
Items.GrossPrice ReadWrite Gross price including tax
Items.NetAmount ReadWrite Net amount
Items.DiscountPercentage ReadWrite Discount percentage
Items.DiscountAmount ReadWrite Discount amount
Items.TaxRate ReadWrite Tax rate. A list of valid tax rates can be retrieved from the tax rates service. If not specified the appropriate rate will be applied when posted to the service.
Items.TaxAmount ReadWrite Tax amount
Items.GrossAmount ReadOnly Total for the line including tax
Items.PricingStatus ReadOnly Pricing status (Valid, Approved, YetToBePriced, PriceRulesExpired, RequiresVerification)
Items.CostCentre ReadWrite The general ledger cost centre associated with this line. A list of valid cost centres can be retrieved from the cost centers service.
Items.StockBin ReadWrite The stock bin from which the item should be dispatched
Items.PriceSource ReadWrite The price source
Receipts.ReceiptType ReadWrite The receipt type. A list of receipt types can be retrieved from the receipt type service. This is specified if the order has been paid for in full.
Receipts.Amount ReadWrite The amount received of the specified type.
DeliveryInstructions.Text ReadWrite DeliveryInstructions.Text
D_WebOrderNumber ReadWrite The order number from the website
D_PaymentMethod ReadWrite Multi-use flag from website
Source ReadWrite Source
InternalInstructions ReadWrite Internal Instructions for Sales Order
Items.D_PrescriptionItem ReadWrite Indicates line is a prescription item
D_IgnoreDeliveryVatCalculations ReadWrite Set to Yes to disable Delivery Charge VAT split
D_DeliveryCharge ReadWrite The Delivery Charge
D_PaymentCheckStatus ReadWrite If paid, set to 'Approved' otherwise 'Pending'
D_Prescriber ReadWrite D_Prescriber
D_EPharmacyCheckUser ReadWrite D_EPharmacyCheckUser
D_HxApprovedBy ReadWrite D_HxApprovedBy
D_AutoApprovePayment ReadWrite D_AutoApprovePayment
Items.D_PrescriptionNotes ReadWrite Items.D_PrescriptionNotes
DeliveryContact.Address ReadWrite DeliveryContact.Address
Items.StockBin ReadWrite Stock Bin Stock is coming From
Items.StockBinAllocation.Items.ProductBatch ReadWrite Items.StockBinAllocation.Items.ProductBatch
Items.StockBinAllocation.Items.Quantity ReadWrite Items.StockBinAllocation.Items.Quantity
Items.StockBinAllocation.Items.StockBin ReadWrite Items.StockBinAllocation.Items.StockBin
Items.D_OrderItemType ReadWrite Items.D_OrderItemType