Healthxchange Pharmacy (UK) Limited (TRAINING) - Intact iQ API

Used to retrieve product information

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Property Name Access Description
Code ReadWrite A unique code for the product that can be used as an alternative to the ID when writing properties of type product
Description ReadWrite The product description
WorkflowStatus ReadWrite The product workflow status, a list of valid states can be retrieved from the product workflow status service
Type ReadWrite The product type. Valid values are (Standard, Open, Service, Kit, Special, ListComment, CatalogueItem, Assembly, Matrix, MatrixProductComponent, Text, Linear, LinearComponent, Sheet, DisplayOnly, DeliveryCharge, Tile, Voucher, TaxOnly, RestockingCharge, Denomination, Index, Bundle, CatchWeight, Container)
Statistics.StockLevel ReadWrite The quantity physically in stock across the company
Statistics.OutstandingSalesOrders ReadWrite The quantity reserved for sales orders across the company
Statistics.OutstandingPurchaseOrders ReadWrite The quantity expected in on purchase orders across the company
Statistics.AvailableStockLevel ReadWrite The available stock level across the company
Selling.SellingUnits ReadWrite The selling units. A list of units of measure is available from the units of measure service.
Purchasing.PurchaseUnits ReadWrite The purchase units. A list of units of measure is available from the units of measure service.
SellingPrice1 ReadWrite Default Net Price
SellingGrossPrice1 ReadWrite Default Gross Price (Including Tax)
Selling.DefaultTaxRate ReadWrite Default tax rate
D_NewHideFromCategoryAllCusts ReadWrite D_HideFromCategoryAllCusts
D_HideFromCategoryAllExSelCusts ReadWrite D_HideFromCategoryAllExSelCusts
D_HideFromCategorySelCusts ReadWrite D_HideFromCategorySelCusts
D_ShowInEpharmacy ReadWrite D_ShowInEpharmacy
D_IsFiller ReadWrite D_IsFiller
D_IsDrLevyItem ReadWrite D_IsDrLevyItem
D_IsDysport ReadWrite D_IsDySport
D_IsAlwaysStock ReadWrite D_IsAlwaysStock
D_IsAlwaysPrescription ReadWrite D_IsAlwaysPrescription
D_IsOutOfStock ReadWrite D_IsOutOfStock
D_AllowAlternativeItem ReadWrite D_AllowAlternativeItem
D_AlternativeItemCode.Code ReadWrite D_AlternativeItemCode
D_EstimatedRestockDate ReadWrite D_EstimatedRestockDate
Category.Code ReadWrite The product category, a list of valid product categories can be retrieved from the product category service
Category.Group.Code ReadWrite The product Group, a list of valid product groups can be retrieved from the product group service
Category.Group.Class.Code ReadWrite The product Class. A list of valid product classes can be retrieved from the product class service
D_UnknownRestockDate ReadWrite Indicates that there is no known restock date
Selling.D_RRP ReadWrite Selling.D_RRP
MakeableKitQuantity ReadWrite MakeableKitQuantity