This is information about the API endpoint exposed at http://localhost:1035/ to provide access to our ERP system from Intact Software, Intact iQ This is a REST api with a variety of services and is secured using an API key that you should request from us Currently the API gives access to the following services...
Service Name | Description |
Branches | Used to get lists of valid branches for use in posting transactions. |
CashCustomers | Cash customer accounts are used when a single account is used to process orders for cash sales but you need to record details about the account without setting up a new customer for each transaction. This service is used to list and create cash customer accounts for used on orders. |
ContactRoles | List of Contact Roles |
CostCentres | Used to get lists of valid general ledger cost centres |
Countries | Used to retrieve a list of the countries that can be used in posting transactions. |
Currencies | Used to retrieve the list of currencies available for use when creating transactions. |
CustomerPricing | This service allows you to retrieve customer specific pricing for products. |
Customers | This service provides access to customer account information. The customer has two collections for contacts. The Contacts list is typically used for CRM activity and the Delivery Contacts used to populate delivery contact information on sales orders. |
DeliveryAgents | Used to get a list of the valid delivery agents and their associated services |
Documents | This service allows you to retrieve the printed version of objects from the system e.g. copy order or invoice printouts. |
Products | Used to retrieve product information |
PrescribersRegistrations | |
ProductCategories | Used to get lists of product categories. Categories belong to groups and groups belong to classes. Each one has its own service to retrieve valid lists. |
productBranchStatistics | Product branch statistics including stock levels |
ProductStockBinStatistics | ProductStockBinStatistics |
ProductGroups | Used to get lists of product groups the contain product categories. |
ProductClass | Used to get list of valida product classes to which product groups belong. |
ProductWorkflowStates | Used to get lists of valid product workflow states |
QueueEntry | |
ReceiptTypes | Used to get a list of valid receipt types. |
SalesOrders | Used to create, update and list sales orders. When creating sales orders that have been paid you can populate the receipts collection with payment information. |
SalesOrderTypes | Used to get a list of the valid sales order types |
SalesOrderWorkflowStates | Used to get a list of valid workflow states for sales orders |
TaxRates | Used to retreive a valid list of tax rates |
SalesCreditNotes | Used to view lists of sales credit notes. |
SalesDeliveryNotes | Used to view lists of sales delivery notes. |
SalesLedgerEntries | Used to get lists of sales ledger entries for a customer account. The makeup of a customer account statement. |
SalesInvoices | Used to view lists of sales invoices. |
SalesQuotationWorkflowStates | Used to get a list of valid workflow states for sales quotations |
SalesQuotations | Used to create, update and list sales quotations. |
SalesReps | Used to retireve the list of valid sales reps |
StockBins | Used to get a list of valid stock bins |
UnitsOfMeasure | Used to retrieve lists of units of measure that can be used in properties like product selling units. |
ExternalDocumentLinks | |
Company | |
DeliveryContacts | |
SalesInvoicesOverview | |
CustomerLodgements |
The following commands are optionally available on each service...
Command | Purpose |
GET | Fetch one or more objects |
POST | Create one or more new objects |
PUT | Update an existing object |
DELETE | Delete an existing object |
SEARCH (POST) | While not a command in its own right the serach function allows you to POST a complex query to our system in order to return a list of objects. This is used when the simpler query string based filters do not suffice |